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Artist: Patrick Seruwu

Year: 2021

Size: 177, 5 x 88, 5cm framed


The artist acknowledges in every portrait, the many excellent attributes he still recognizes in his mother.

I used charcoal drawing and acrylic paint on canvas, applied in the form of a wash. The washes mimic an interminable desire present in many women, to wash away unpleasant experiences in their lives.” Patrick Seruwu.

Seruwu deliberately washed the canvas and allowed the paint to drip as a metaphor for a woman’s tears of pain, joy and success. Choosing to limit himself to black and sepia reflects the passing time, like the shades of old photographs or the colour of ageing and rusting material. He expresses the belief that time is required for healing. It also portrays the tension of day-to-day existence.

Dejected ( Framed )

R42 000,00Price
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